Inspect Your Slings Inspecting your synthetic web slings prior to use is one of the easiest ways to prevent a serious accident from occurring. By adhering to the following suggestions, you can spot potential problems before you find yourself, literally, over your head in trouble. Inspect your equipment before, during and after use. This increases your chance of catching a defective sling before anyone uses it. What do you look for when you inspect a sling? Look for obvious abnormalities in the integrity of the material. Run your hands along the fabric and feel for irregularity such as tears, holes, snags and frayed...

Foundation Construction Foundation construction can involve power and cutting tools, excavations, the use of concrete and mortar, and other techniques that require training and proper safety equipment. First, wear personal protective equipment suitable for the job.  Safety shoes protect your feet from crushing injuries and punctures.  Long pants and sleeves protect your skin from cuts, scratches, and exposure to chemicals and concrete.  A hard hat protects your head from falling items and bumps.  Wear leather gloves when moving equipment and materials, wear chemical resistant gloves if you work with chemicals and concrete.  Consider hearing protection and a respirator for specific job sites...

Why Take A Chance? Are you willing to risk losing your ability to see? Thousands of people take that chance every day by not wearing needed eye protection. In fact, 3 out of 5 workers who have experienced an eye injury were not wearing their eye protection. A survey by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) found that nearly 70% of the injuries were the result of flying or falling objects. Most of the material striking the eye was reportedly moving at speeds faster than something being thrown by hand. What can you do so you are not added to these statistics? Easy...

Ladders Injuries in the workplace because of ladder are commonplace. Falls from ladders can be as painful as a fall from a roof; about a third of all reported falls are falls from ladders. Many of the fall related injuries result from the improper use or the use of a defective ladder. Step/extension ladders are made to access/egress upper levels, not to be used as work platforms. There are specifically designed ladders for use as work platforms such as order pickers. These ladders are constructed with a small platform and guardrail. The following safe work rules should be observed when working...

Wrenches Wrenches—a very good name for this tool in that all too often it is the condition of a worker’s back after misusing a wrench. (Wrenched back, get it?) It is not only a back that can be injured, as we will see after our discussion. Guide for Discussion Proper Care Inspect on a regular basis Replace sprung jaws, cages and faces Replace all bent handles Keep the jaws sharp Keep the wrench clean and free of grease and oil. Proper Use Always use the proper size wrench for the job. Never use a shim to make a wrong size wrench fit a nut. ...

Recognizing Unsafe Conditions Recognizing unsafe conditions, or hazards in the workplace is not just a Safety Committee's responsibility. It is everyone’s responsibility from the most junior employee to the company president to identify hazards and make suggestions on how to fix the problem. Guide for Discussion Causes of unsafe conditions or actions: Poor housekeeping. Horseplay. Confused material storage. Careless handling of materials. Improper or defective tools Lack of machine guarding; failure to install warning systems. Lack of or failure to wear proper personal protection equipment. Weather. Worker not dressing for the job to be done. Failure to follow instructions. Steps to take once an...

Guardrails One of the more common OSHA citations is for lack of or improperly erected guardrails. There are two basic types of guardrails – the perimeter guardrail (i.e., found on flat roofs, upper stories before framing walls) and floor opening guardrails. Both are constructed the same way and are designed to provide the same type of protection. Guide for Discussion The following items should be reviewed when discussing guardrails: When are they required? All open-sided floors or floor openings exposing workers to a fall of six feet or greater (Four feet – general industry). Standard Specifications The top rail should be 42” high and constructed...