poisonous plants

Poisonous Plants

Poisonous Plants

  • Blue-Green Algaepoisonous plants (appearance of blue-green paint or scum on the surface of the water):
  • Wear boots and gloves when working in marine environments
  • Rinse exposed skin with clean, clear water
  • Minimize agitation of water that can cause aerosols – inhalation is a hazard
  • Minimize time spent in affected area – conduct prep work outside of the area
  • “When in doubt, stay out” Poison Ivy (vines or low shrubs, leaves are divided into 3 almond shaped leaflets, alternatively arranged):
  • Learn to recognize native poisonous plants
  • Wash clothing and tools exposed to the plant since allergens can remain active for years and can be transported to other places or objects
  • Wear protective clothing on areas that might be exposed to poison ivy or other poisonous plants
  • “Leaves of three, let them be”